Many have been critical of the new iPhone 7, with claims that the iPhone 6S is the same as the iPhone 7. Senior Kobe Magee is one of them.
“It really isn’t different at all, compared to iPhone 6. There’s no reason in getting an expensive new phone when it does even less than the phone I have now,” Magee said.
Senior Gabriela Sosa explains her views on the new iPhone 7.
“It’s not that much of an upgrade from the iPhone 6 or 6S. The only real upgrade is the second, ‘better’ camera on the iPhone 7. The downgrade is that you can’t charge your phone and listen to music at the same time, so I feel that it’s kinda a loss. Overall, better camera but not much else was different,” Sosa said.
Despite some of the weak reviews, it seems that a number of the youth population will undoubtedly follow the trend and purchase the new iPhone to keep up with current events.
Senior Mia Bosman commented over the iPhone 7.
“It’s pretty much the same, except those wireless headphones are useless; they only work for two hours before you need to charge them again. And it’s pointless to have to choose between charging your phone and listening to music. I’ll probably get one once my time with my 6 is over, but I don’t know,” Bosman said.
There are some who look upon the company itself. Senior Aramis Babcock shared his thoughts about both the iPhone 7 and Apple.
“Apple messed up,” Babcock said. “With the no headphone jack, or plug, and the IOS 10 update, it was all just a big mistake. The company jumped too far trying to innovate. There’s too much too list about what’s wrong with the current iPhone; I’m just not a fan.”