Volunteer hours, résumés, and the PSAT/SAT are just some of the things the underclassmen learned about on Oct. 2 at the student success seminar….Continue Reading Student seminar a success
Student seminar a success

Volunteer hours, résumés, and the PSAT/SAT are just some of the things the underclassmen learned about on Oct. 2 at the student success seminar….Continue Reading Student seminar a success
The sound of shrieking students fills the hallways of a school that is usually quite peaceful. There are zombie patients with intestines flowing out of them like the A&P cats, and evil physicians that have haunted the building since its founding, quietly whispering medical terms….Continue Reading Kahlo makes cameo at first Fall Festival
The value of perseverance, shared through his accomplishments and failures, were expressed by Dr. Gabriel Mena, anesthesiologist at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, as he encouraged students to take control of their goals during a presentation held on Sept. 16 in the cafeteria….Continue Reading Persistence, hope leads to success
Although 70 to 100 students donate at each blood drive, health science teacher Kathleen Rocha says the numbers could be higher….Continue Reading Contributions lead to personal rewards, grad awards : South Texas Blood and Tissue Center collects donations
Mites are crawling on your face. They move back and forth from your face to your friends face. Living, thriving, reproducing, all on your face….Continue Reading You mite not know… Microorganisms that are proven not to bug
On the drive down US-1 from Miami to Key West, there are several small islands, less than a mile offshore, which appear uninhabited. One of these is Indian Key, unreachable except by boat, which I visited last summer. The island actually is uninhabited with a history as tragic as it is rich. A history that…Continue Reading Waves rise, crash but life remains