The 2023-24 school winter break started Dec. 16 and went through to Jan. 2. Students and staff got this time to relax and recover from the midterms to prepare for the Spring 2024 semester.
Describe how you spent your winter break?
I went to parties with my friends and family, and I ding dong ditched someone, it was really fun.
– Rafaela
Did you travel anywhere during your winter break?
I went to New Mexico and skied with my family.
– Ayerim
Were there any specific goals or resolutions you had set for yourself during the winter break?
I wanted to get a better sleep schedule, get ahead on homework, and try not to waste any time.
– Lucia
Did you spend quality time with your family and friends during the break?
My volleyball team came over and we had a team bonding.
– Nicole
Were there any books, movies, or shows you enjoyed during your time off?
I watched “A Walk to Remember” with my boyfriend over break, it was really cute.
– Luciana
Looking back at your winter break, what was the highlight of your time off?
I got to spend time with my family that came from Mexico. We spent my brother’s birthday in Houston, it was cool.
– Maria
Did you take time to relax and unwind during the break?
Yes, I went hiking to many places like Colorado State Ben Park. I go hiking to keep healthy and enjoy nature.
– Mr. Tejeda