
Next year’s prom has been in question due to a lack of funds raised by the class of 2017, and while recent fundraising efforts are helping, there is still work to be done to reach the financial goal.

Earlier this school year, the class of 2017 organized a merry-message holiday ornament fundraiser where student-created ornaments were delivered on behalf of the sender. The class was able to raise near $300 without any expenses since the supplies were donated by students and the class sponsors.

In recent meetings, students have been able to brainstorm new fundraiser ideas, but they are always looking for fresh minds to come in, participate and give their input.  The more fundraisers the junior class does, the more money there will be for prom and its expenses, and that will make prom tickets for students next year.

“We are working on our spring’s fundraisers, we are looking at making more spirit nights, a pizza lunch is coming up very soon, and we are also looking for other possible fundraisers,” class of 2017 sponsorBrenda Cornell said.

The selected venue for next year’s prom is Pedrotti’s North Wind Ranch, which class leadership is excited about since the rental prices there aren’t as expensive as at most other party rooms. However, juniors still need to raise $2,600 to be able to rent the salon that can fit about 800 people in it.

“The venue is beautiful, spacious, and it was a huge relief to find it. It relieved a lot of stress from our whole prom situation,” junior class president Jay Cruz said.

After much thought, those at the most recent class meeting decided that April 8 would be the best date for next year’s prom, and reserving the venue for that date will only take an initial down payment of $500.

“We talked as a group during the most recent meeting and discussed dates that were around the same time as AP testing, finals testing, and also holidays so we had to make sure it wouldn’t intervene. We also made sure it wouldn’t come too close to graduation day,” Cruz said.

If you’d like to receive regular updates on class of 2017 information, they invite you to get connected in the following ways:

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Get Remind101 Texts:  @hbch2017 to 81010

Come to the meeting tomorrow, Feb. 4, 2016 after school in D305.