HBCN Weekly 9-16-16: Homecoming Spirit & National Anthem Protest

Students are going all in for homecoming week this week, and enjoying traditions and activities. The buzz on campus isn’t just about homecoming though, with students discussing their opinions on the growing protests during the National Anthem by NFL players upset with the state of the union. The tree decorating and paw painting in the…Continue Reading HBCN Weekly 9-16-16: Homecoming Spirit & National Anthem Protest

Netflix Review: Stranger Things

I’m starting off this series of Netflix reviews with its hottest show this summer….Stranger Things. If you don’t have Netflix, then I highly suggest asking a friend for their Netflix account. If they say “No”, unfriend them. These past few years, Netflix has stepped up its game with shows like Orange Is the New Black,…Continue Reading Netflix Review: Stranger Things

Noisy AC repair only the beginning of construction on campus

By: Krissie Ruiz & Gabriel Wilson Over the past few weeks, students may have noticed a noise disturbance coming from the basement of the B building. This is due for the simple reason of the school replacing the 50 year old pipes under the building, a project that was started at the end of last…Continue Reading Noisy AC repair only the beginning of construction on campus