In this episode of HBCN Weekly, students talk about the benefits of cosmetology and the different kinds of pre-games rituals players do.
Cosmetology is a passionate subject for most students in the program, and can be taken as a course to earn certification here on the campus. Some students talk about the benefit that cosmetology has to offer.
“The most rewarding thing about being in cosmetology is experience. You get a lot of hands on so after your ready to presume you career after cosmetology you’ll have that experience to look back on. Some of the things we’re required to learn in the classes like hair cutting, nails, waxing, facials, basically anything that has to do with beauty,” senior Adriana Salazar said.
Student-athletes also talked about their pre-game rituals they do before a game.
“We listen to music and we huddle and talk about what we’re going to do in the game,’ junior Kodi Oehler said.
While for some it’s music, for others it involves more physical and spiritual aspects of their lives.
“For my games, I typically do my stretches and shuffle my feet around. I get ready to start moving and I say a prayer before I start.” junior Ryan Moreno said.