Journalism staff members brought in 25 individual state awards from the Interscholastic League Press Association (ILPC) along with another prestigious national Silver Crown Award from Columbia University’s Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) for The Gavel hybrid print and online publications. The Silver Crown is the first back-to-back Crown Award received in Holmes’ 50-plus year history, and only the fifth overall.
With a larger staff of 18 students compared to past years, the staff was able to cover more and increase overall production, while maintaining the quality that won them their honors.
“We have a bigger staff and that helps a lot. It’s better especially when the people enjoy what they do,” Co-Editor and senior Keren Cumpian said.
Some of the new staff members had no prior experience in the jobs and responsibilities that they were given when they joined.
“Being new to something I haven’t done before, I’m challenged. But being around people who have done this before and are driven pushed me. I feel great, and this was an awesome experience,” senior cartoonist Jorge Osorto said.
Including new comers, there are members that have been involved with the program for as many as three years. Through hard work, they were able to be recognized for their dedication and skills.
“It’s just the fact that the leaders of the staff and everyone on staff has been involved with the program for three or more years so they’re passionate,” senior staff member Brittany Volz said.
Compared to other schools throughout the state, the journalism program doesn’t always have as the funding for equipment and extra printing, but the staff finds a way to be competitive with the larger, more well-funded programs in the state and nation.
“It goes to show that it doesn’t matter what supplies you have. It is about the people who take the pictures, write the stories and have the dedication,” senior Arts and Culture director Lizbeth Perez said.
The following are all of the awards that the Gavel and individuals won for the 2016-2017 school year:
National Awards:
Columbia University in NY, NY’s Columbia Scholastic Press Association has awarded us with their most prestigious award for print and online hybrid publications, a Crown Award, along with a Gold Medalist rating. We are one of four schools in the state of Texas to win this honor for hybrid publications. This makes our 2nd consecutive Crown Award and the 5th in the history of the school. The Crown Award is for overall excellence in publications, judged in both verbal and visual categories.
State Awards:
Operated by UIL, the Interscholastic League Press Conference also judges actual publications in separate print and online categories, as well as individual awards for the top work done in the state. We received a total of 25 state awards for individual student work, after receiving 14 last year, and 5 the years before.
The individual state awards are as follows:
1st Place Opinion Writing Portfolio- Victoria Falcon (recent grad)
1st Place News Page/Spread Design- Alicia Yanez (recent grad)
1st Place Portrait- Stormy Rice
1st Place Headlines- Staff
1st Place In Depth News/Feature Package- Keren Cumpian
1st Place Comic Strip- Bryanna Ramirez & Jorge Osorto
1st Place Multimedia Package- Yamel Breiter & Richard Austin (recent grads)
2nd Place Computer Art- Alondra Martinez
2nd Place Feature Photo- Clarissa Silva (recent grad)
2nd Place Sports Action Photo- Joseph Vasquez
2nd Place In Depth News/Feature Package- Gabriel Wilson & Krissie Ruiz
2nd Place Comic Strip- Bryanna Ramirez & Jorge Osorto
2nd Place Sports Action Photo (online)- Lizbeth Perez
2nd Place Social Media- Staff
3rd Place In Depth News/Feature Story- Alondra Martinez
3rd Place Student Art- Gabrielle Estrada
3rd Place Computer Art- Sarah Molina & Alexa Gonzalez
3rd Place Page One Design- Stormy Rice
3rd Place Sports Feature Photo- Brittany Volz
3rd Place In Depth News/Feature Package- Lizbeth Perez
3rd Place Cartoon- Jorge Osorto
3rd Place multimedia package- Yamel Breiter & Richard Austin (recent grads)
Honorable Mention In Depth News/Feature Package (Print) -Staff
Honorable Mention Sports Action Photo- Alondra Martinez
Honorable Mention General News Photo- Keren Cumpian