photo by Dezaray Villarreal

ABOVE: Many students on campus eligible for DACA will be affected if the program is ended, including their access to financial aid and other college help.

On September 5th, following Labor Day weekend, President Donald Trump announced that he will be ending the DACA program. For those who are not aware, DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) is a program that has given opportunities to around 800,000 young undocumented immigrants. It allows them to stay in the United States while going to school and working legally during a renewable two year period. This program was created during Obama’s presidency and is one that has allowed many children and adolescents the chance to be a part of the American dream.

With President Trump calling an end to this program, thousands of young immigrants’s lives will likely be affected, many of whom were brought to the United States by their parents and have made the best of their situations. “Dreamers,” as those who are in the program are called, face the possibility of having their status revoked as a legal citizen as well as being potentially deported.

This is another step backward for U.S. policy under the Trump administration, and it is inhumane and cruel.

The fact that it takes away people’s livelihoods, has left many baffled (including myself) and many more concerned for those who are here because of this policy.

As an American and as a human, it’s easy to see the detrimental effects of ending this policy: the basic rights of thousands across the nation being torn away, the numerous people who are going to be isolated economically, and people losing opportunities that have been given to them through DACA.

While many have opinions on the ending of DACA ranging from celebrities, politicians, the American people, and DACA recipients, there was one person’s statement that resonated with many across the United States.

Former President Barack Obama’s statement posted on Facebook on Sept. 5. Both taking a strong stance on the issue and calling out President Trump’s actions, Obama’s statement was very forceful on the idea that the decision to end DACA is blatant racism. This statement is one that is significant and important in understanding how harmful and damaging taking away this policy will be.

Screenshot from Twitter @BarackObama

ABOVE: Former President Obama posted his statement on the removal of DACA on Sept 5.

Wether you have no connection to DACA, know someone who’s a part of DACA, or you are a part of DACA; everyone should care that it’s being taken away.

No matter your gender, race, or age there are people whose dreams and livelihoods are being taken away. Every person should care that this is happening to thousands of hard working, hopeful, young men and women across the nation.

For those unsure of how they can help Defend DACA, inform yourself on this policy and why it’s so critical to so many people. You can also contact your state legislators, letting them know that you support the DREAM Act, a new bill that will lead the way for DACA recipients to have a path of citizenship. For students and families in the Holmes attendance area, our state legislator is Congressman Joaquin Castro, who you can reach at 210-348-8216. You can also text ‘RESIST’ to 504-09, which sends a fax your local representatives.