By: Malina Gonzalez (8) and Sloane Baecker (7)

“Can we do it next week?” Ms. Eichler responded.
“Can we do it Monday?” I asked.
“I have a club meeting, how about Wednesday?” Ms. Eichler said.
That’s how busy Ms. Eichler is. She still makes time at the end of the day to supervise our Jordan clubs. Well at least the ones Ms. Eichler is in. Do you ever wonder how much really goes on after school? Well we’ll tell you.
”…Together we’ll do creative fun things together and, eventually we’ll compete.” Ms. Eichler announced to begin the meeting. One of the many clubs Ms. Eichler participates in, is Destination Imagination (or D.I.) which she runs alongside Ms. Gonzalez (GT teacher). D.I is a club where the students compete against each other in challenges such as one they played at their first meeting. “Build a scale model of an office building.” Ms. Eichler began explaining. The clubees had to build the tallest building made of (a limited amount of) straws with 2 minutes to plan it and 5 minute to build it, anything goes unless specifically ruled against in teams. They also do fun puzzles, and other exercises to help think outside of the box. The club was much enjoyed by the members and supervisors.

”I love the library being a flexible space, where you can do a million things.” Ms. Eichler confirmed. Ms. Eichler explained that our library is about more than just books, and she sponsors 2 clubs.
Our interview gave us a blast from the past. Some of those clubs Ms. Eichler was sorry to see go such as Anime club and a jewelry making club called Loom & Bloom.

Ms. Eichler also wants to bring in the chess club, because she loves the competitiveness. With her busy schedule, she just isn’t sure where she can fit it in this year. As you can see even, with her sponsoring the DI club which competes against different schools, there are also some clubs she would love to be a part of. She would love to join the Art club, Harry Potter, Dungeons & Dragons, and the Scribble Society.
I think our librarian is delightfully committed and involved in things beyond merely checking in and out books. Our clubs require many teachers, hours of planning, and for sponsors to give up personal time in order to give us the best experience possible. Some teachers, like Ms. Eichler, even stay until 4:45pm or even 5:30pm, whiles others arrive as early as 6am or 7am to make sure we are able to have the best experiences.