History Behind the Meal
By: Chloe Best (7)
Do you enjoy eating warm turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie with a swirl of whipped cream on top? Our ancestors did, and they are the reason we celebrate this holiday. The history behind this holiday is much more complex than what we think.
Although on different dates, five countries celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving. These countries include the US, Canada, Liberia, Saint Lucia, and Grenada. The Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts were known as the first people to celebrate Thanksgiving. “This year Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November— November 24.” says the Almanac.

Thanksgiving is thought to have been celebrated for around 400 years (History.com). Many people believe that the first thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621 in Massachusetts. We celebrate Thanksgiving because it is a celebration of a three day meal with the Wampanoag. “Thanksgiving Day, an annual national holiday in the United States and Canada celebrates the harvest and other blessings of the past year,” quoting Britannica.
Many people celebrate Thanksgiving, but not many people know who started it. Although the Wampanoag tribe were the first to celebrate this holiday, Abraham Lincoln was the president that made it an official holiday. Amidst the Civil War, he proclaimed Thanksgiving be held each November. Thanksgiving is thought to be held on a Thursday because it would not interfere with any church services (Wonderopolis).
Although opinionated, most American families celebrate Thanksgiving with a big meal in between the hours of lunch and dinner. A typical Thanksgiving meal in the US could consist of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. This meal might look different depending on where you live, though. Along with a meal, most people also get a week off of work or school to be with family.
Thanksgiving is a celebration of being grateful for all you have. It is also known as a good time to catch up with family and friends over a meal. It has a history that dates back to the early 1600s. It is a wonderful holiday/tradition that will be celebrated for years to come.