Andrea Gomez (7th)
Have you ever noticed that as soon as the stores clear out their Christmas décor, it seems like some fairy came in and threw up all the pink and red valentines cards, candy, and flowers? Have you ever wondered why pink and red are the colors that represent Valentine’s Day?

What is the Meaning of Pink and Red?
The reason pink is used to symbolize Valentine’s Day is because pink represents love, nurture, compassion, comfort, warmth and hope according to Hunter Labs. Another fact about pink, is that it was used sometimes for Jesus because he associated it with the womb and innocence. Goddess Venus of Intimacy and Love was also represented using pink.
Red is used to symbolize romance, love, and physical passion. Those aren’t the only meanings for red. Red also symbolizes anger, rage, violence and danger. For example, according to sensationalcolor.com red flags represent danger. And let’s face it, love can be dangerous.
But after researching the meanings and representations of the two colors, it’s no wonder that as soon as Christmas is over, our stores are filled with Pink and Red EVERYTHING!