#FunFeatureFriday- Adam Gallardo YOSA
Julius Smith (7)

7th grader, Adam Gallardo plays the cello. Adam started playing the cello for school, but has grown into his passion by attending summer camps. Not only is he in advanced orchestra as a 7th grader, he also auditioned and made it into YOSA. YOSA is the Young Orchestra of San Antonio, a prestigious organization that has 11 orchestras that serve young musicians ages 8-20. “There are third and fourth graders playing,” Adam stated, and the program goes all the way to college-aged students.
According to YOSA.org, “Performances and concerts take place in numerous San Antonio venues, and when public health conditions allow, all YOSA Orchestras will perform at least once per year in the renowned Tobin Center of Performing Arts.”
It’s a great program that has, “helped me grow not only as a musician but as a person too.” Adam added. “Although we play once a week,” Adam firmly believes that the hour and half under the leadership of Martin Sanchez has really pushed him to be a better musician (moving from beginner orchestra to advanced orchestra at Jordan MS), but also a more well rounded person.