Fast food does the body good

Bijou Davant

Staff Writer

  Fast food. America’s delicacy. Many people will argue that fast food can damage your health and lead to childhood obesity. I’d say, fast food is the better alternative. There are many pros of eating fast food.

  Some of these pros include, that it’s quicker than going to the grocery store and buying groceries and slaving over a stove and cooking for 4+ people. It’s cheap to buy a delicious burger and a side of fries that can fill you up and make you happy. It’s a waste of good time to cook for your family and them to not like it.

  Fast food is most of today’s youths favorite go to meals. We’re young, we can work it off by having 7 minute passing periods all day everyday. Most teens today prefer the fast food options around the school campus over other forms of lunch.

   Also, fast food restaurants offer healthier options and vegetarian/vegan options, if you’re into that for some reason. Around campus, people even pick the fast food options. Bill Miller is a favorite of many O’connor students as it is quick, close and delicious.

A common misconception about fast food is that it makes you obese.  this is not the truth. fast food is actually the quickest way to lose weight, with no exercise. it fills you up so much that you won’t eat as much.

  These charts show the statistics of preferred lunches and dinner.

Graphic by Bijou Davant

  People should stop trying to get rid of fast food and realize the potential they have to change the world and the diets.

As teenagers, fast food is clearly the better choice and should remain a common diet choice in the lives of growing teenagers.