Well alright what did I learn is I guess the first thing I should talk about. First thing is that high school isn’t even the beginning of your actual life and serves as a medium to college which is where you actually start your life. And yeah high school sucked for me and I can’t wait to leave and get out of this place. However it should not and I highly recommend not wasting four years for silly reasons like not being social or being too shy to approach anyone for any reason at all. While it isn’t even the beginning of a much bigger journey, it is still an important place to make memories and don’t waste it while you got it because time doesn’t rewind. And you don’t wanna be sitting there one day regretting that you could have done it alot better. A piece of advice, build up strong habits early or it is literally impossible to succeed otherwise. If I had built up any sort of system or just organized myself a lot better in my earlier years I would’ve had a much easier and much better time in school because if not it invites laziness and postponing everything.Towards the middle of junior year I already had senioritis and never did any work after that point and became completely devoid of motivation and just slept through the years after. Also remember kids, don’t do drugs they will ruin your life and life is better without them. High school is just a stepping stone for greater things so if anything just don’t dropout and actually graduate at the very least so you don’t end up homeless on the streets because let’s be real you won’t become a rapper. And when you go to college (which you should) don’t go to vista and waste your early college years, go to literally any other four year college and have the time of your life or you will regret it according to Mr.Taylor. I never liked any of you and I will miss none of you. Except for Mrs. Scott.