Saige Griffin Feature Page Editor
The Winterguard team started off their competition season strong, bringing in a first place, and two second places. The team is a combination of dancing and props like rifles and flags, competing around once a week. Captain Amy Guerra describes the process of preparing for a competition.
“We spend the whole week practicing and on comp day there’s a warm up we go to. There’s a body warm up where we practice dancing only and from there we move on to equipment warm up where we practice with all our equipment like rifles and after that we move onto the performance,” Guerra said.
As the team moves forward in their season, member Eden ( ) says her favorite thing about being in winterguard is the family they have created, “we have our own little group,” Guerra said.
Captain Amy Guerra says that her favorite thing about her position is seeing the progress everyone makes between the incomers and freshman. Her path to become captain was encouraged by their current tech, who was previously captain.
If you are interesting in joining Winterguard for the 2023- 2024 school year, here are some important dates: