New Year; New Me

It is the all time saying for the start of a new year. Goals are set and resolutions pile up to start you off on the pathway to a better you. Back some 4,000 years or so, Babylonians are known to have set the tradition of resolutions for the new year. In mid-March, during the planting of crops, a twelve day religious festival known as Akitu commenced. During this festival, a new king was crowned and sworn loyalty. They also made vows to their gods to pay their debts and return any objects they borrowed. These vows set the foundation for our current resolutions. With keeping these vows, the Babylonians believed they would find favor in the eyes of their gods and be blessed for the year. As years progressed, so did the calendar and way of thinking about a new year until we arrive to the modern time of pledging “new year; new me.”


When given the question about what are your new year resolutions senior Joshua Aaron responds with  “I always aspire to be a better person.” He spreads his four years of high school wisdom as he states “Once a year resolutions are not what we should be thinking about; we should be worried about our progression and what we can do to make ourselves become better.”

Even though resolutions seem to be a pretty redundant list of things that nobody really pulls through with, to her junior Jaselle Reginaldo states that her resolutions are: Supposed to exercise more, join basketball again, and make region in which she has completed.

Resolutions are good goal setters for sophomore Jackson Almaleh and for him one of the goals he has set for himself is to  “Play more sports.”

Even though he believes that resolutions are something that people just tend to forget about freshman Walker Langley replies with  “Get better at mallet percussion.” when asked the question about his New Years resolutions.


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