Girls can play video games, too

Video game

/ˈvidēō ˌɡām/


— a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen.

Video games, more often than not, are seen as a hobby a guy would have. But, with time in the Nest, I have learned that it is a hobby just as popular for girls to have, with the ratio being 5:4 guys. Though, most of the time, they are shadowed simply because they don’t play the “right games.” The most popular video games amongst men are Fortnite, Overwatch, and Call of Duty. Whereas for women, the most popular games are Minecraft, Sims 4, and Animal Crossing.

As a girl who plays video games quite often, I have found that there are girls everywhere in the Nest that partake in the gaming hobby, you just have to know where to look and what games are popular amongst them. Through a poll I posted on my social media platforms, I found out that lifestyle and story-driven games are the most popular amongst women. Examples of these games include Horizon Zero Dawn, Minecraft, Sims, Animal Crossing, The Last of Us, and even Mortal Kombat. Most girls also enjoy FortniteCall of Duty, and Batman: Arkham.

Many girls, just like guys, have been playing since they could pick up a controller, finding entertainment in the electronic pastime. 

“I’ve been playing video games since, about, the age of 5, when my ‘uncle’ Tim introduced me to them. I find them relaxing and fun to pass the time by,” sophomore Angel Robertson said.

As I reached out to more girls who find gaming as a hobby, I noticed that most have said that there has been at least one time where boys have given them a hard time when they say they enjoy that particular activity. But, even when that happens, you can normally find some guys who are more than willing to play with you, no hard time given.

“I’ve met guys who are super nice and willing to help me learn how to play the game, but others who are so full of crap just cause they think they know everything,” sophomore Kyenna Genao said.

Regardless of all the difficulties girls – sometimes – face, that doesn’t stop them from continuing with the hobby they’ve grown to love. 

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