Month: April 2021

A Court of Silver Flames Falls Short of Expectations

From the moment I heard that “A Court of Silver Flames” by Sarah J. Maas would be told from Nesta Archeron’s point of view, I immediately didn’t want to pick it up. I decided I would push through, for the other characters that had captured my heart in the previous books. So, I went in…Continue Reading A Court of Silver Flames Falls Short of Expectations

Post-High School Education: What are the Other Options?

Throughout school, many classes are specifically designed to prepare students for the university system and ensure that they have the tools needed to get into a “good college”. For many, college is not the right option. Whether it is the high costs, the lecture-heavy format, or the requirement to commit to one area of study…Continue Reading Post-High School Education: What are the Other Options?

Lady Hawks celebrated for International Women’s Day

The influence of women in society has seemingly increased as years have gone on. For centuries, women of all kinds have worked vigorously to amplify their voices and thoughts that have been suppressed for years. In terms of sports, academics, and the arts, through the years, women have dominated these areas of society.  The month…Continue Reading Lady Hawks celebrated for International Women’s Day

2021 STAAR Testing Procedures, On-Campus Policies

Unlike last year, the 2021 STAAR tests will have to be passed as a qualification by the state and federal law needed to graduate. The STAAR test stands for State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness, which is the states student testing program. The TEA states that this year test will be done online, in…Continue Reading 2021 STAAR Testing Procedures, On-Campus Policies