Bright white stadium lights shined over THE NEST’S spirit for the 2020 Homecoming game held in the 6A division and during a pandemic. Although a traditional homecoming pep rally and dance were not possible due to social distancing, the tradition of announcing Homecoming court winners at the football game was honored. Homecoming mums and garters shined bright through blankets as the game was held on Friday, December 4.
2020 homecoming court winners are Duke Austin Adams and Duchess Sadie Garcia, Lord Dominic Pena and Lady Paloma Camus, Prince Aiden Garcia and Princess Emma Lopez, King Michael Bell and Queen Allie Flowers. The crowd roared as the court winners were announced.

But that wasn’t the only time THE NEST made some noise from the stands. The Hawk football team took a win against the Jay Mustangs with a score of 46-28.
This is the fourth homecoming game since the opening of THE NEST in 2017, and we’ve welcomed new Hawks every year since then. For many, this is their first homecoming.
“It was awesome. All of the games I’ve been to were for pep and I couldn’t enjoy it with friends. But with the hoco game I got to hang with friends and experience what the games were really about,” freshman Jillian Bateman said.
A Homecoming in Texas wouldn’t be the same without mums, which is the arrangement of ribbons, glitter, flowers, charms, and stickers worn by girls at homecoming games. Black, white, and columbia blue mums stood out to the crowd as the Hawks carried on the Texas tradition. Many buy the supplies and make it themselves with family and friends, others purchase a personalized mum.