Unlike last year, the 2021 STAAR tests will have to be passed as a qualification by the state and federal law needed to graduate. The STAAR test stands for State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness, which is the states student testing program. The TEA states that this year test will be done online, in person on campus, and there is no virtual option.

Only NISD computers have the software that is required to take the test. Parents have the option to check out an NISD device, but if a parent does not want to then a Chromebook will be provided for those students on testing day. If you check out a device you are required to have it fully charged and to bring your charger on your day of testing.
“If there was an online one, I would take it because I wouldn’t want to sit in a class done with my test for hours waiting. I feel like if we finish the test we should be able to turn it in and be able to go home,” junior Michael Lakey said.
STAAR is offered 3 times throughout the school year. The first time is in April and May, then June, and then December. Only those taking the test on the designated days will be allowed on campus. The freshman English test will be on April 6, freshmen algebra on May 5, freshmen biology on May 6, sophomore English on April 8, juniors history on May 4, and make ups for all these tests will be on May 7.
“I am not ready at all. I feel way less prepared then the other years, everything’s just going by so fast,” freshman Ariana Urdiales said.
To decide how many students there will be per classroom, the school will follow the CDC guidelines and the numbers will vary based on the size of the classroom.
“In some ways this has been easier than a regular year and in some ways it has been harder. Because only students testing will be on campus, the logistics has been easier. It has been harder with the layers COVID has required of us,” Testing/504 Coordinator Lisa Guzman said.

Each student is provided four hours to complete their tests, but five hours for the English test. All bus eligible students will be offered transportation to the school for the STAAR tests.
“Personally, I really don’t want to take three STAAR tests this year. I really don’t like being in a classroom for hours because I always like to move around and stuff,” Urdiales said.
Other supplies students may need to bring include scratch paper and a pencil. Students do not need to bring a calculator because one will be built into the test software.
“Teachers have done a great job preparing the students and our students will do their very best,” Guzman said.