Students share embarrassing, awkward moments

“[Tripping and falling down the stairs in front of everyone] was embarrassing. I mean everybody’s staring at me; you like start sweating. It’s all nerve-racking because you don’t want people laughing at you, but I mean it happens sometimes. I feel like you get up and laugh it off, so that’s what I did.” -Noah Farris

“An embarrassing moment was sophomore year trying to find my geometry class in the first week. I had geometry with Mr. M in portable 36, which was the only portable next to the band pad away from all the other portables, but I had no idea that portable was there, so I went door-to-door before I found my class. I was 20 minutes late to class.” -Kintana Martinez

“I loaded into the Zoom. I was playing GTA with my friends. I didn’t know my mic was unmuted until everyone got quiet and the teacher was like, Your mic’s unmuted. What are you doing?’ [It was embarrassing for me because] I didn’t know any of those people and I was on the game while I was supposed to be learning. I wasn’t supposed to be doing that.” -Anthony Pabon

“All the seniors were giving a speech at a banquet. I walked up and completely blanked. I meant to thank my sister and thank Sibley, which was the goalie that completely taught me everything I knew. I just completely blanked. I just thanked my coach, my parents, and my teammates, but I was stuttering on my words too, so I was so embarrassed.” -Kamryn Robertson

“[Me and my ex] had broken up earlier that year, then had auditions for Aladdin and I got picked to be the person that says, ‘Still I think he’s rather tasty’ and [my ex] played Aladdin. That was probably the most embarrassing moment…It was probably a really nasty breakup, and the fact that I had to call him tasty was not ideal.” -Sarah Garrett

“[Losing my best friend] was definitely awkward in the sense that friend groups can be large and they can be very intricate. So when there’s a separation or a divide in a friend group, it can be really awkward for all the mutual friendships that are associated with it.” -Hannah Jackson

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