Four years ago the campus opened with a total of 1,477 students. This year there are more than double that amount with 3,200 students. To accommodate the population growth, 17 new teachers, 24 portable classrooms and an extra lunch period making three lunch periods have been added to the campus life. Not only all this, but six week grading periods have been changed to nine week grading periods this year.
Changes have also been made to THE NEST due to the Coronavirus. Students will be allowed back on campus in waves. Learners in specialized settings and English learners have been back on campus since September 8, the next wave was learners who are academically at risk have been back on campus since September 21, and last is on October 5 other learners that feel safe going back. Currently, six students are allowed per classroom. As more students come back to campus this number will increase to ten students per classroom and so on. Unlike last year, as soon as students enter the campus they are allowed to go to their first period class, there are markers on the floor that promote social distancing, and classrooms are set up where the desks are socially distanced.
“I just want to say that I’m proud of all the students in our community and how we have handled this unusual start to the school year. It makes me very proud to be a part of this community and a part of this school,” Principal Robert Harris said.
To keep the school clean the custodial staff works daily, hand sanitizers are placed throughout the campus, and all teachers have been given disinfectants for their classrooms. In addition teachers and staff members have to complete a daily health screen before entering the building. This health screen includes taking their temperatures and completing a questionnaire. As students return to campus they will also be required to complete a questionnaire every Monday of each week.
“We’ve always had a high standard of cleanliness but I think in this time it is even more important that we take preventative measures to make sure the cleanliness stays in place,” Harris said.
In the past, all freshmen have had fourth period lunch. This year the school has had to abandon that due to population growth. About 900 freshmen could not all be accommodated in one lunch period especially because they do not have off-campus lunch privileges. Therefore the lunch assignment is done randomly. It all depends on what your class schedule looks like and your grade level.
“I don’t like it at all. My whole friend group got split up, so none of us are able to have as much fun together socially like we have been able to our first two years,” junior Jacob Garza said.
There is not just a single subject in the portables it is done somewhat random. If teachers do not have a full load, for example, if they are coaches or only teach four core classes then they have athletics, they might be in a portable.
“I don’t like portables especially when it rains because it is harder to get to class,” sophomore Iliana Hernandez said.

The change in grading periods to nine weeks was done at the district level. The calendar shows the grading periods are not exactly nine weeks. The first two are eight weeks, the third one is ten weeks, and the last one is eleven weeks.
“I feel like we are back in elementary school, but I don’t see a problem with it because it gives me more time to get all my work turned in,” Garza said.
If the school is still online when it comes time to take midterms or final exams the answer to how these will be taken is still not final. This will be a decision that the district decides.
“I believe students are going to be in the building in some way, shape, or form. There might be a hybrid situation where some students are here Monday, Wednesday, Friday and then some are here Tuesday and Thursday then flip the next week. I can easily see us administering exams over a two week period or a week period where students are on campus but those things are really up in the air depending on how many students we even get into the building,” Harris said.
In the year 2022, a new high school is supposed to open up which will relieve THE NEST of overcrowding. Until then the school’s population is only predicted to increase.
“I’m cool with more people, it doesn’t bother me. Teachers can’t point you out if there are more people,” Hernandez said.
So far this year no class, course, sport, or tradition has been canceled due to COVID-19. Everything is still in play and will continue to be in play until further notice.
“I can see that we may have to make some adjustments to some of our traditions. I think it’s an opportunity to be creative and to maybe hold some of these things in a different way,” Harris said.