With the new year just beginning, it leaves room for new pop culture to be released out into the world. One degree of pop culture that is heavily looked forward to this year is all the new anime planning to be released these upcoming months. A few examples of the most anticipated releases include Haikyu!!…Continue Reading Much anticipated 2021 anime releases coming soon
Soul Movie Review
Soul is a PG-rated Disney Pixar film directed by Pete Docter. It was released on Christmas Day 2020, and is a comedy for the whole family. The theme of the movie is finding your meaning in life. Soul is about a man who loves music with all his heart, but can’t seem to make it…Continue Reading Soul Movie Review
National Teen Dating Violence Awareness, Prevention Month
National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week was declared to be the first week of February in 2006. Four years later in 2010, as more people gathered together to make programs and bring more awareness to dating violence, Congress changed National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week to the whole month of February…Continue Reading National Teen Dating Violence Awareness, Prevention Month
Students share what engages them in distance learning
COVID-19 has taken its toll on people around the world and yet many would argue that students are being hit the hardest. Through Zoom calls and staring at one’s computer screen for eight hours straight, it can be increasingly difficult for students to remain engaged throughout their classes. In a recent WINGSPAN poll, student respondents…Continue Reading Students share what engages them in distance learning
Food Truck Reviews
Gueritos Red Tacos is a food truck that was initially located in Tijuana, Mexico. Via Los Angeles, they are now in San Antonio. They officially opened in San Antonio on October 22 and have settled at the Alamo Fireworks located on FM-1560. From campus, the drive is approximately 10 minutes. Most known for their birria…Continue Reading Food Truck Reviews
The Mandalorian Review
The Mandalorian is a series inside the Star Wars universe specifically set five years after Return of the Jedi. The show has an old western movie feel but add some lasers. It follows a Mandalorian bounty hunter,played by Pedro Pascal who wears an armored suit and helmet. Which is similar to Boba Fett’s who is…Continue Reading The Mandalorian Review
KHHB Announcements
February 5, 2021 View this week’s KHHB video announcement produced by Aiden Aguillon, Evelynn Kuo, Lacie Hernandez, Jason Mendez and Christian Mitchell…Continue Reading KHHB Announcements
2021 AP Exam Changes
During the 2020 AP exams, College Board condensed the traditional three hour long, in-person tests, which included both multiple choice and free response sections, to 45 minute, online, free response exams. This last minute change came as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and was an effort to keep students safe while still allowing them…Continue Reading 2021 AP Exam Changes
The Hawks say goodbye to a basketball season like no other
Whether it’s a freshman playing for the first time in the gymnasium in D-hall, or a senior on varsity playing for the fourth year in the NISD gym, the 2020-2021 basketball season draws to an close after a season like no other. Not only did THE NEST’S basketball team have to follow the regular COVID…Continue Reading The Hawks say goodbye to a basketball season like no other
KHHB Video Announcements
For the week beginning January 29, 2021…Continue Reading KHHB Video Announcements