It’s the start of a new school year and students are coming in with new expectations like what freshman expect what high school is, doing our very best to support all of our sports teams, and looking forward to the end of the high school year.

Last year, the cross-country team made it to State but fell short and landed into fourth place. One determined sophomore has made it his goal to bring his team back to State, but this time getting his whole team onto the winner’s podium.

“My goals this year is for the [cross-country] team to go to State once again but this year to get on the podium so get first, second, or third as a team,’ sophomore Jett Knight said.

Many successful people graduated from our school, this teen will make her debut and leave our school successful, and prosperous in life.    

“I’m trying to leave my mark as being one of the people that’s out of Business Careers that’s successful and makes it into college,” senior Jade Armour said.

Each school year new people enter our school, most are freshman and a lot are nervous about beginning their life as a high schooler.And this particular freshman has a lot to be excited about and somethings that are sharking his confidence.

“I’m most excited to experience high school and Marching Band,” freshman George Castaneda said, “I was most afraid of just the homework and the projects and all that maybe not being able to meet new people.”