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CAPTION: Senior Marina Garcia is featured on’s website after singing the National Anthem when technology failed at her volleyball game.

Traditionally, at most sport events, they kick off the game by standing for the national anthem. But what happens when technical difficulties get in the way of the national anthem from being heard? For one Holmes student, this problem was an opportunity that’s led to national exposure.

On October 7, senior volleyball player Marina Garcia took the microphone and sang the national anthem in front of the entire O’Connor gym.

“Well when we were lined up for the anthem to play, they couldn’t get the CD to work, so everyone was confused and waiting. Then I heard the crowd from our side started shouting my name and telling me to sing, and eventually my teammates started joining in, and I really couldn’t deny the offer. I took it and just started singing,” Garcia said.

Garcia explains that the moment not only gave her joy because she got to sing, but also the surprise that so many people appreciated what she did.

“It made me feel really good because I made an impact on so many people at the game with my performance and I felt really glad to let people hear my voice,” said Garcia. 

Since that night, the video has blown up on social media, and has been featured on both local and national news. It was first reported on local station KSAT 12, and then picked up by other local stations as well as ABC World News and


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“I would’ve never thought the video would be this big. I thought it would just be a normal video and no one would notice. But now I feel amazing knowing that I have family and friends and others supporting me in doing what I love so much,” said Garcia.

Garcia is in both volleyball and choir and works to manage being a part of both organizations due to volleyball starting at the beginning of the year in the fall.

“Well balancing the two isn’t a problem since volleyball and choir start at different times. Choir starts in the spring, so it gives me a lot of time to prepare for the choir season,” said Garcia.