Students are now preparing for their futures by joining clubs that they will benefit from, while the other students are scurrying to class because of the new tardy round-up.

Throughout our school many students see posters for various clubs, but one club that helps in the future is Cyber Patriots.

“Cyber Patriots is a cyber defense competition. It’s about preparing students in the cyber security field. It’s hands-on, real life skills that they could use in a job in the future,” Cyber Patriot coach Juan Guerrero said.

The students in Cyber Patriot are excited and well-prepared for their future.

“Cyber Patriots and technology are the future, and being able to be prepared for that and being able to be prepared for the future is a really big part of being able to grow up,” senior Colton Hurt said.

The new tardy round up is making students feel an unease and making teachers feel a certain successful pride at having more accountability.

“I feel it’s unnecessary and it takes away time from your class,” sophomore Angel Lozano said.

“I actually believe that it is helping with the tardies. I see people hustling to class more,” choir director Vanessa Alvarado said.