Artists turn Entrepreneurs through social media

As an aspiring artist, the hardest thing to do is get your art recognized and your name matched to it. Students here at Holmes have used the power of social media and friends to promote their artwork, allowing them to create small businesses within the school. These students are well known for the variety of…Continue Reading Artists turn Entrepreneurs through social media

Music Review: Frank Ocean Breaks The Silence

Frank Ocean has always been known to speak his mind through his music without any restrictions. Just like how he let the whole world know that he’s gay when he kept referring to a “he” in his famous “thinking about you” song. July 10, 2012 was the day that Frank Ocean spoke no more. He…Continue Reading Music Review: Frank Ocean Breaks The Silence

Book Review: Gone Girl

Gone Girl is a thriller novel written by Gillian Flynn. The phrase “opposites attract” is true for Amy and Nick. Amy is the perfect, beautiful daughter and the inspiration to the authors of “Amazing Amy.” She’s adored by her parents, and is more than financially stable, especially with the revenue that the books inspired by her brought….Continue Reading Book Review: Gone Girl

Netflix Review: Stranger Things

I’m starting off this series of Netflix reviews with its hottest show this summer….Stranger Things. If you don’t have Netflix, then I highly suggest asking a friend for their Netflix account. If they say “No”, unfriend them. These past few years, Netflix has stepped up its game with shows like Orange Is the New Black,…Continue Reading Netflix Review: Stranger Things