Theatre department presents ALADDIN Nov. 12-13

On Thursday Nov. 12 and 13 in the auditorium, the theatre department will be showing the musical production of Aladdin. Curtains open at 7 pm, and tickets are five dollars in advance and seven dollars at the door. Kids under 12 who dress in Aladdin-themed costumes get in free. The Goldies and choir are joining forces with theatre students…Continue Reading Theatre department presents ALADDIN Nov. 12-13

Gavel News staff awarded national honor, CSPA Crown Award

CAPTION: Gavel staff members hold up the latest edition of the CSPA-award-winning Gavel Magazine just after delivery, along with their ink-stained hands from distributing the issue across campus, embracing the age-old identity of journalists and writers as “ink-stained wretches.” By Amber Villanueva and Janelle Martinez Out of the thousands of high school newspaper and online…Continue Reading Gavel News staff awarded national honor, CSPA Crown Award

Volleyball ends season with win over Marshall, seniors reflect

photo by Stormy Rice The volleyball team ended the season with an astonishing win against the Marshall Rams, even though they had a rocky start the first two matches, they finished dominating the Marshall Rams 15-24, 20-25, 13-15. This win gave the girls a season record of 28 wins and 15 losses. Although this season…Continue Reading Volleyball ends season with win over Marshall, seniors reflect

Pride of the Pack: Campus Custodians

We have incredibly talented groups and organizations on campus, and throughout the year, a different group will be given special recognition in this column.To start the year off I would like to acknowledge some of the best custodians in the district. Every day they come to work in the most cheerful mood and fulfill their daily…Continue Reading Pride of the Pack: Campus Custodians

Public stereotypes at odds with student experience

“Holmes is trash.” “Half of them going to be cutting my grass in five to ten years.” “Holmes is ghetto and are y’all ready to get that L on Friday?” Students on social media a few weeks ago saw these comments as the first thing to pop on their feed or timeline. For many, rage…Continue Reading Public stereotypes at odds with student experience