Frights at Twilight

Frights at Twilight

By: Sloane Baecker (7)

Perry’s Perspective

~Chapter 1 ~Nightfall~

2 young women who shared a small dwelling lived a lovely little life with a love of ceaseless swelling.

Beatrice was practically a saint, doing anything asked without the faintest complaint. Perry was upfront, wouldn’t go silent but confront anything flawed. Her impulsivity lies by her need for excitement. The two shared a sense of wonder; so strong they’re only rivaled by each other.

Everyday they woke up, normally entirely contrasting to the night, Perry had  sufferings each nightfall that seemed everlasting. She dealt with terrors in everything she dreamed. 

Luckily Beatrice and Perry had each other. Every night and every time terror attacked, Beatrice brought her a calming feeling and not leave her reeling.

Before Beatrice had come along, Perry had woken up in positions, places, and situations that had no memorable relation other than simply sleeping in isolation.

One night she slept knowing what her night would hold. She took her precautions, but it wasn’t nearly enough, for this night’s event would go to a grand extent. 

Her dreams encased her like a vessel; she was so close to reality but still so far. She was a puppet not in control of herself but still feeling what was happening and somehow aware of what she was doing. The same cold sheets, the same wooden backboard, the same wooly blanket,  but this was different. She felt something warm, solid, and soft. It was very oddly shaped. Her hands kept moving, it got weirder, it had what she thought were sticks inside giving it an odd shape. Her hands kept moving and she reached something new, soft, fluffy, and having a new texture. Soon enough she lost control of what was happening, and someone else grabbed the wheel. She felt the same figure as before but in a different spot she felt pressure in her hands intensifying and it kept going. She soon felt something crawling on both her arms, something long, bony, and cold. Her hands clenched together so much so that her fingers were less than half an inch from closing together. She started to feel something aching on her face, not a burn, not a punch, not a cut, and not a sting then SMACK! 

~Chapter 2~Silence~

Her eyes flickered open after she felt something flat and hard go right across her face with great force. She gained sense and control over her body again, she immediately let go of her grasp. Her fingers were even bruised from what she was doing. She heard Beatrice beside her panting and coughing restlessly. Perry knew she was in pain. What she heard was hard to accept, but what she saw was something you can never forget.

She looked at Bea as she tried to catch her breath again. Her entire face was a bright red, her voice had turned from its usual clear and sweetness to a raspy and hoarse sound. It was getting really hectic, Bea lost her balance and fell off the bed. She was on her hands and knees at this point, Perry had full control over herself now. Once she was completely confident she had control, she immediately met Bea on the floor. “Are you okay?!” she pleaded. “What happened?” she cried. As everything happened Perry was flooded with questions. Then the most dreadful one crept in her mind as the theory made more and more sense. “Was this because of me?” She asked her final question. No response. The look Bea gave her brought tears to Perry’s eyes. It felt as if all the colors in the world faded into blue, black, and white. 

Beatrice still didn’t say anything; she just left the room and fell asleep on their couch. She never goes this silent unless she’s trying to send a message and Perry knew what that was. 

The next morning Bea was practically bursting, there was so much tension and no interactions, just pure, uninterrupted silence. It was already 10 in the morning by this point, and the clock made it 30 more minutes before Beatrice had said anything. 

“Ok.” she said it was only one word but enough to show last night quite a toll on her. “Ok, Ok, Ok,” she repeated, trying to gather her thoughts. Then she began telling what happened to her last night…

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