Band Concert

The Concentration that Goes into Band

By: Malina Gonzalez (8)

Mr. Esparza instructing his Intermediate Band.

Last year our band had some great concerts, but I wonder what will happen this year. I’m curious to see how hard the members will try and how far they will make it. Who will make it to the region band?

On October 17th, Jordan’s band had a concert. Most of Mr. Esparza’s students read his facial expressions rather than actually getting feedback from him. His facial expressions tell you whether you’re good or could do better. He’s not much for words, so how far a band player goes depends on their effort. Surprisingly, most of the time, the band teachers don’t give inspirational talks to pump up the students before a concert. They usually just practice with everyone else. The band levels are beginners, intermediate, and advanced. The number of concerts you participate in depends on the level you’re in. Most band students don’t enter the regional competition because it’s very hard to get in. This year, there are six students entering. It’s surprising because last year, there were only two and only one made it. Depending on how many people try out this year most likely only half will make it.  

Jordan Jaguar’s Advanced Band.

The intermittent band performance was really good this year. In intermittent class everyone starts off with ”Creepy Crawlies.” The performance was well planned and they had great communication. Everyone participated; and no one was quiet. Low brass were moving their fingers fast on the tuba and blowing into it and were very professional. You could visually see them trying their best to not give up when they were running out of breath.

The advanced performance was great! One of the songs they played was Latin Fiesta and they practiced that song ever since two weeks before school started! Overall, the performance was very good and the students should be proud of themselves. 

Elizabeth Robinett said, “I like playing my instrument, but I don’t want to play it my whole life because I have other plans.” So, most of the players don’t see themselves having a career related to band, but if they wanted to they definitely could. Overall, the band events are fun and the time flies by fast. I guess it’s a good class to get into to enjoy yourself but still learn how to play an instrument and work well with other people.

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