Don’t Waste Your Time
Katelyn Martinez (8) and Madilyn Mendiola (8)
Most people have different opinions on when the appropriate age to date should be. Some people think it is appropriate to start dating in middle school since many people believe that kids that age are mature enough to date. To be honest though, how long do middle school relationships actually last? According to, the average middle school relationship lasts 3 months. That honestly seems like an eternity from what we’ve seen.

There are a lot of bad benefits about having a boyfriend in middle school. The boys we’ve seen here at Jordan are so questionable! They think that if your pants are saggy then that looks good. Really?! Like no! It looks like you are wearing a poopy diaper.
Same thing with the hair! They are looking like “Despicable Me’’ Vector! Who would want a guy like that? It’s like a bowl cut. And if they don’t have the popular “Edgar” haircut, then they have their hair in their face. You can’t even see their eyes. Add a mask and what do they even look like? Dressing like that says more than just their looks, it is their lack of personality.
As if the lack of looks and style isn’t enough, another reason that you should not have a boyfriend in middle school is the unnecessary drama. Who wants that at a young age? Let’s say that there is someone else who likes the person you are dating. We are in middle school and girls in middle school don’t know how to be happy for each other, which is honestly just sad, but back to the point. Middle school girls will likely start talking about you and start rumors to break you and your significant other up, just because they don’t know how to be happy for others.
Drama doesn’t stop there. Again, as middle schoolers, we aren’t the most mature. When one of us starts to get attention from someone else, we tend to like it. Unfortunately, this tends to lead to cheating or jealousy. Neither of these are healthy dating options, and more often than not, that leads to middle school fights.
So let’s just be for real. You shouldn’t waste your time on unfaithful boys, who can’t dress, you don’t really know what they are hiding under all that hair, and who are really only good for drama… You should be the independent queen you are meant to be!
they are kinda cute