Year: 2023

Band & Orchestra Concerts

Music Magic Franky Sanmiguel (7) The school band & orchestra concerts have come and gone. With a little talent, a lot of practice, and great support the concert season has begun. “It was one of the greatest concerts ever,” said the school counselor Ms. Garcia. She continued, “The orchestra concert had a really great turn…Continue Reading Band & Orchestra Concerts


Football Jags Cyles Salazar (8) It’s the middle of the week and everyone is excited because everyone knows that Wednesdays are game days. As our season continues both our 7th and 8th grade football teams work on teamwork, communication, focus, and plays.  Stinson Game At 3:50pm, the teams are gathered, whether it be on the…Continue Reading Football

How Do You Boo Like It?

Why Do People Like Horror Movies So Much?  By: Izabella Galvan (7) Imagine this: you’re walking through the woods late at night, and you’re all alone. It’s too dark to see where you’re going, you think you’re headed back to your campsite but you’re not quite sure. All of a sudden you hear footsteps, so…Continue Reading How Do You Boo Like It?

Breast Cancer Awareness

We Wear Pink for the Fight- Breast Cancer Awareness Mia Guevara (8) When you think of October, most people think about fall fashion, cooler weather, and Halloween. However, when you have had someone in your life diagnosed with breast cancer, you think of fighting! That’s why we wear pink in October. According to the National…Continue Reading Breast Cancer Awareness

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Is The Nightmare Before Christmas a Halloween Movie or a Christmas Movie? Jazmine Luna (8) The question that can be debated for days. Heck, depending on your passion, this could be debated for weeks, months, or even years. Can you believe that? There are people that have researched and debated the intention of the movie….Continue Reading The Nightmare Before Christmas