Exposed: Who Are You Really Reporting To?
Katelyn Martinez (8)

Don’t you hate when people don’t mind their own business? Or even worse, when they try to expose you for no reason. Well this year, there was a stupid trend where people would make an “anonymous” account about your school. These were not just any accounts, these were trash accounts. Accounts that did damage, hurt people’s feelings, hurt their relationships, and just started a crap load of drama!
There are many of these accounts and some of them are really stupid ones. For example, there is one about shoes. Like who wants to see shoes? We don’t care about who’s got the nicest shoes or the ugliest shoes. Really, they’re shoes! At the end of the day, they are just like any other shoe that is likely to step on dog poop, gum, or worse, step on someone else’s shoe! If you are a shoe freak, do the normal thing and check them out online or on Pinterest.
Don’t get me started on the countless drama accounts! Like, who made those accounts? We are going to be in high school next year, can we mature a bit?! We are going to be 15 years old. We are not kids on a playground running from cooties or spreading rumors about each other. We all have enough drama in our own lives, and school should be a place to learn and socialize, not be a place where experience fear about being brought up on a dumb drama account. Really, most of the drama accounts are about couples and their issues… and we all know how I feel about middle schoolers dating. (If not, go back and read last month’s article- Don’t Waste Your Time.) I mean, honestly it’s sad to be fighting with a friend, and it’s even sadder when it’s over a guy! Talk it out with your friend. And over a guy? Like seriously, don’t waste your time!
I guess what I am trying to say is, don’t do dumb things! It will affect you in the future with your digital footprint. Plus, nobody wants a friend who has nothing better to do with their lives than talk trash about other people. So, make the smart decision and mind your own business.