Swimmers Take Your Marks- Go!
Gianna Marques-Ozuniga (7)

How It Came to Be
Since around the age of 6 years old, Angel Ramirez has built a passion for swimming. “It keeps me entertained. It’s a fun sport and I have gotten to meet a lot of people from all over the city.” Now, she is swimming competitively for SASA (San Antonio Streamline Aquatics). She really enjoys the 100 meter butterfly and the 50 meter freestyle. According to other swimmers, the butterfly is considered one of the hardest strokes, but Angel adores it because, “It works all muscles and it really makes my back look good. Of all the pictures you see of swimmers, it’s the butterfliers that make the best pictures.”
Practice Makes Perfect

During the school year, every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday Angel makes her way to practice her 25 meter freestyle (your standard length of pool). During the summer, she practices Monday through Friday from 5:30am- 7:30am. During the summer, she swims 50 meters, which is also called a “long course.” Once or twice a month on Saturdays and Sundays, she swims about 3-4 events per day for her meets. However, in November of 2022, she competed every weekend with the exception of Thanksgiving weekend.
Angel has traveled all over Texas for swim meets. Over the summer, she qualified for STAGS (South Texas Age Group Swimming Championships). She competed in the long term events, such as the 200, 100, 50 meter freestyle and the 100 meter backstroke. “Not really sure how I managed that in the 100 meter backstroke, that’s not typically my best event.” Angel explained. In one of her meets, she actually dropped THREE SECONDS!! And we know 3 second in a sprint is huge so in the 100 meter breaststroke that was awesome. She also made the cut with her 100 meter freestyle and 50 meter freestyle.
Swimming is not just a sport, it’s a life saving skill that all people should know. However, as a sport, swimming is one of the safest whole body workouts you can do. It’s one that you can do and compete in for the rest of your life. There are teams and meets for adults of all ages.
Angel plans to continue to dedicate her time to swimming and competing. She plans on swimming for her high school and, “Who knows, maybe even college!” she exclaimed.