We Wear Pink for the Fight- Breast Cancer Awareness
Mia Guevara (8)
When you think of October, most people think about fall fashion, cooler weather, and Halloween. However, when you have had someone in your life diagnosed with breast cancer, you think of fighting! That’s why we wear pink in October.

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Breast cancer has caused 685,000 deaths globally. Just in the U.S in 2023, an estimate of 297,790 new cases of invasive breast cancer. That’s actually so crazy how this disease can cause so many people to lose their lives. I can’t even imagine what people that have breast cancer or any type of cancer go through.
Our Journalism teacher and 7th grade ELA teacher, Mrs. Neal has a close relationship with breast cancer. No, she hasn’t fought against it herself, but her Grandmother and Aunt both fought breast cancer.
A lot of people always wonder why breast cancer is celebrated in October. According to Hocking College, breast cancer is in October because the first known case of breast cancer dates back to October 1985. Former First Lady Betty Ford helped launch a call to action for women across the country. Breast cancer can be treated and cured, if it is spotted in time. This call to action was to bring awareness and attention to a surgeon specifically a breast surgeon. You would need to tell them immediately or make an appointment with a surgeon as soon as possible and then they will refer you to a medical surgeon.
Dealing with breast cancer can be a lot to deal with and what also can be hard is accepting the fact that you have it. But there are also things you can do to help you through your journey such as gardening, Dog walking, talking to someone etc. Even though you have cancer you also have to look out for yourself like make sure you put the right things in your body and take medicine don’t just lose yourself. Another thing about having cancer is you can go into a deep depression but you should have someone you can talk to and you trust. But i think also don’t think nobody supports you because there are many people that go through the same thing or have someone that has had someone go through it. There are so many people that donate to breast cancer foundations and that want to help other people that go through breast cancer.
So this October, yeah you can decorate for Halloween and for fall and also think about the people that are fighting and that are going through breast cancer, because to them it’s FIGHTING Month!