Preparations for Exam Week

Taylor Breig

Staff Writer

As the year comes to a close and Winter Break is almost here, semester exams are right around the corner.When it comes to exam week, students struggle to manage the stress and agitation that comes with studying and preparation for these exams. Some methods of studying work better for other students while a completely different one works better for the masses. Upperclassmen offered some tips on how to survive through this year’s semester exams.

When it comes to studying, students find it difficult to study subjects that require more focus and motivation. Doing study guides provided by teachers can help with this issue.

“I like to get my study guide, do it once, study that, and do [the study guide] again without notes. If I don’t have it down
I make another copy and do it [over] again,” junior Kylie White said.

Distractions have also led to massive issues with studying for major exams. A change in scenery might provide some help with that. Going to coffee shops, bookstores, and the library might help with focusing on difficult subjects. However there are ways to focus while at home.

“Go to your room. Sit at a desk. Certain subjects that you find are easier you might be able to do sitting on the couch, but [subjects] that you’re not sure about, don’t risk it. Go to a quiet place and concentrate only on that,” White said. Another issue with studying for exams has been students struggling with timing for studying.

“ Depends on the person, I guess, it depends on how much you can take and like, how behind you are, and in class if you think you won’t pass the test without studying a lot,” senior Jordan Tamayo said.

When it comes to the time of day that someone studies, it all comes down to how that person works on their own. If they prefer to study at night that might be better for them to focus, if they need to study in the daytime with a cup of coffee then that works for them. Spacing out study time and what subject that should be focused on can also help with study timing.

“Set goals for studying so like, maybe two days get through [one] unit, the next two get through another unit, kinda pace yourself and whatever you’re iffy on go back and cram [it],” junior Jordan Stone said.

If certain subjects are more difficult than others, reaching out to others for help is another way to get through the stress of exam week, “You should go to your parents first and then if you really need extra help go to a teacher,” White said.

Having a study group with friends or people in the class could help with studying especially since everyone will be going over the same subjects. Even though these methods may help, going to teachers and attending the tutoring center in the Library before school, during lunches, and after school can also be a huge help with upcoming exams. Even going on the internet and looking up college lectures from sites such as Khan Academy and TED Talks can help with understanding subjects better.

Even though the stress of exams weighs down on students, having high goals and hopes for yourself will help with getting through this stressful time.

“Exams are a huge percent of your grade, so it’s important [for you] to do your best. Find methods that work for you,” senior Mackenzie Acree said.

Finding study methods that work best for yourself will help with getting prepared for exams and to help with ensuring success. Let’s get through this year’s midterm exams with high expectations and great preparation.

Graphic by Taylor Breig.