Students find Frozen 2, comical and heartwarming

Zelma Hernandez

In the Disney animated film Frozen 2, Elsa and her sister are put in charge to go away on an adventure far away from their Kingdom of Arendal. As directed by Jennifer Leigh and Chris Buck, on this journey the two sisters soon find out how both of their parents disappeared. This movies really enjoyable, cute, funny and family friendly. Of course Elsa had her own signature song that is bold and expresses her feelings within the scene. Overall, the movie had intense and heartwarming parts.

In order to really understand the movie, you’d have to watch the first Frozen which can be found on Disney+. The new film Frozen 2 was released November 22 and can only be found in theaters. Students shared they liked the characters and were entertained especially by Olaf.

“Olaf is my favorite character because he’s funny. My favorite scene was when Olaf acted out the first Frozen movie. If I could change anything in the movie, I’d make Kristoff more important in the overall movie,” junior Haley Brown said.

Students enjoyed the heartwarming scenes and how some of the fun scenes ended with great singing.

“My favorite character was Olaf because he added funny moments and brought joy. My favorite scene was the part where Olaf was explaining what happened in the first movie and I thought it was really funny and it had really funny references to the first movie. If I could change anything about the movie I’d give a girlfriend just like the rumors said would happen,” junior Emeline Longoria said.

And the award for most popular character goes to…

“Olaf is my favorite character. The part where Olaf was explaining how water has memory. One thing I would change would be how Elsa acts. She was more weird compared to the first movie,” junior Heather Jasik said.