Adopt a dog, they helped me

Staff Writer: Samantha Martinez

Dogs are a man’s best friend, they are companions that will be there for you until the end.They are animals you can run around with or lazy ones that will accompany you during a binge watch of shows. During the pandemic, people needed something to keep them company through this isolation and loneliness, their answer was man’s best friendAs a result,the lockdown really showed how much we rely on companionship to keep ourselves sane.

According to the ASPCA, nearly one in five households nationwide adopted an animal during the pandemic and 90 percent of households are still continuing to house the dogs they acquired during the lockdown. 

But what is it about dogs specifically that drew people in to adopt during this pandemic?  What exactly persuaded people to go out during these hard times and make a life-changing commitment to adopt a dog? 

The American Kennel Club says studies have shown that owning a dog can help with anxiety and stress. Worrying about failing that math test? Get a dog and worry together. Studies show that 40% of dog owners have an easier time making friends. This is due to your beloved canine being a good conversation starter and making you seem more approachable. 

Another thing to note would be the physical benefits these pooches bring. With the rambunctious animals that dogs are, it’s evident to say that keeping them locked indoors doesn’t always cater to their needs. According to AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association), results from a survey showed that out of 1,000 people 53% increased playtime with their pets, and 39% took more dog walks, along with 43% exercising more with their pets than they did pre-pandemic. 

Although adopting any animal is realistically not an easy decision to make on a whim, the benefits are gravitating. Not only with their aid in both mental health and physical health, but also the gift of having a cute animal in your home.