Tuesday, February 22nd
Come join your fellow comm arts peers for an exclusive and private banquet and dance on March 26th from 7 pm-10 pm. Please visit your social studies teacher’s Schoology for the link to purchase tickets. Sale ends Monday, Feb 28th. Tickets are only $15 that includes Maggiano catering and a DJ dance
Do you like Comics and Manga? Then join us at the Anime Club to hear a virtual guest speaker and comic artist talk about the comic industry on Wednesday, Feb 23rd in the library after school from 4:45-5:15
This week throughout the country is scholastic journalism week, which celebrates scholastic journalism and its importance throughout everyone’s community. There are different themes every day of this week. Tuesday’s theme is “Amplify your voice, (wear bright fluorescent colors) Wednesday’s theme is “Sharing Stories” (dress up like a character from a story), Thursday’s theme is “Unmute yourself” (Wear a shirt with a school appropriate message you belive” and Fridays theme is “dress up like a Newsie” (dress up like a newspaper boy.)
Wednesday, February 23rd
Northside’s author event LibraryPalooza is happening on Saturday, February 26, from 10 am to 4:30 pm at Brandeis High school. This event is free!
If you would like to ride the bus there, pick up a permission slip at the library.
Attention Juniors and Sophomores. On Wednesday, February 23rd, during lunch, you are requested to be in the LGI room to listen to zoom from councilman Castro to learn about the congressional app challenge, the congressional art competition, the congressional Medal program, and US Service Academy Nominations. Please bring your lunch that day or if you have to grab your lunch from the cafe and speedily return to CAHS.
Congratulations to Matt Clark and Angel Medina for winning a Bronze Medal in the Skills USA District 11 contest for 3-D Visualisation and animation!Congratulations to the Skills USA District 11 photography winners: Leilani Charles for GOLD, Macyan Al-Sharif for Silver, and hope Olalowo for Bronze. Congratulations to Maddox Stockton and Angelina Garcia for winning Silver Medal in Skills USA TV production!!
Thursday, February 24th
Summer school information will not be available till late April or May. If you plan to attend, encourage your parents to apply for free or reduced lunch to help offset some of the cost of summer school tuition. The website to apply can be found at Schoolcafe.com
Friday, February 25th
The district has made an adjustment to the attendance portion of the criteria for semester exam exemptions. the attendance criteria will begin with absences incurred starting March first. Remember for attendance you must have 3 or fewer absences for the second semester. excluding school business absences in the exempted course. The rest of the criteria is the same:
- if the course is a full-year course, the student must have passed the first semester.
- the student’s final average for the spring semester is 80 or higher.
- the student’s conduct grade in that class is “S” or better.
- the students must attend during the scheduled exam time. if you are exempt from a classes exam but do not attend that class on the day of the exam, you lose the exemption and will receive an 11 for your exam grade. Don’t do the hard work for the exemption and lose it at the end.