Category: News

Participación de Communications Arts en la fiesta

Los cintas cascaban por las espaldas de las residentes, agarrando estilos de pelo apretados en su lugar. Los niños cargan botellas de agua; con el calor más fuerte, la condensación se desliza a los lados de los envases. Todas las familias y amigos modelan ropa que son elaboradamente bordadas y también su colección de medallas…Continue Reading Participación de Communications Arts en la fiesta

Effects of the immigration system in the transit city of San Antonio

On a typical sunny day, one San Antonio resident works through the heat from his very own food truck, selling torta after torta to the community. Just 10 years ago, he was working any random job he could find. Despite his hard work, employers took advantage of the fact that he was an immigrant with…Continue Reading Effects of the immigration system in the transit city of San Antonio

More Control on Gun Control

 In the year 2022, Texas had over 55 mass shootings, making 2022 one of the most significant years for gun violence in a decade. Now, in only the first months of 2023, there have been over 19 mass shootings.  “America is known for shootings in both schools and in general,” said Alyssa Hernandez, a junior…Continue Reading More Control on Gun Control

National Teacher Shortage

Education revolves around teachers and their carefully-curated lesson plans. In fact, teaching is one of the most important careers in the United States (US). Since 2021, there has been a shortage of teachers. Now this same educator shortage has district administrators scrambling to figure things out.  Due to The COVID-19 Pandemic, as well as teachers’…Continue Reading National Teacher Shortage

Los Disturbios de Brasil son la Respuesta a la elección

Los Disturbios Políticos Contra una Elección Reciente Seguidores del expresidente Jair Messias Bolsonaro asaltan la capital Brasilia, el gas pimiento se usa para rociar las protestas y las fuerzas de la policía están a la espera. Hace dos años, en Enero  6, 2021, en Washington D.C., esta era nuestra realidad; ahora estos disturbios y la…Continue Reading Los Disturbios de Brasil son la Respuesta a la elección

What’s going on in Ukraine and should the U.S. help?

Ukraine became independent from Russia in 1991, becoming the second-largest European country. Then, the Budapest Memorandum was signed in 1994. This document followed the agreement that Ukraine would transfer its nuclear weapons from the Cold War to the Russian Federation. Ukraine, the US, and Russia signed honoring Ukraine’s sovereignty and territory.  More recently, Ukraine was…Continue Reading What’s going on in Ukraine and should the U.S. help?

Afghanistan Places Ban on Female Education Beyond Sixth Grade

There is only one place where half the world’s population does not have access to education. In August of 2021, the Taliban placed a ban on secondary education for women in Afghanistan, preventing women from furthering their educational development past a sixth grade level.  After the ban on secondary education for women in 2021, the…Continue Reading Afghanistan Places Ban on Female Education Beyond Sixth Grade

Terremotos Mexicanos Causan Destrucción Grande

Casas. Destruyó. Edificios. Desmorono. Vidas. Perdió. Entre las semanas anteriores, terremotos invadieron México ha sido invadido por una variedad de terremotos, variando en magnitud, afectando la población costera y dejando a muchas otras personas aterrorizadas y sometidas a estrés. En Septiembre 22, 2022, “un terremoto poderoso con un magnitud preliminar de 6.8 golpeó México” seguido…Continue Reading Terremotos Mexicanos Causan Destrucción Grande

News Brief April 11th-15th

Tuesday, April 12th The Northside H.S. librarians are looking for outstanding H.S. poets. Celebrate National Poetry Month with us and submit your poems by April 29 for your chance to win a prize! Can’t wait to see what you write! Check your Schoology inbox for more details.  …Continue Reading News Brief April 11th-15th

News Brief April 4th- 8th

Monday, April 4th Attention NHS Members  This week’s Tuesday meeting will be moved from the 5th to Tuesday, April 12th, due to STAAR testing. Congratulations to Angel & Matt for winning 1st place in State for Skills USA this weekend! They are going to nationals! Congratulations to AV1 students Maddox and Angelina for winning 3rd…Continue Reading News Brief April 4th- 8th