The Week of Welcome dance or W.O.W. dance was held on Friday, Sept. 7, in the cafeteria. Students council organized the dance to celebrate the beginning of school. …Continue Reading WOW Dance
WOW Dance

The Week of Welcome dance or W.O.W. dance was held on Friday, Sept. 7, in the cafeteria. Students council organized the dance to celebrate the beginning of school. …Continue Reading WOW Dance
A Brief It is 1982 in Chicago. Postal worker Adam Janus takes a sick day due to chest pain. Like most would, he reaches for his favorite painkiller, in this case, a tylenol. Hours later, Adam Janus is dead. So are two of his family members. A local 12 year old is in pain; she,…Continue Reading When Medics meets ethics: the Great Tylenol recall
The swim team took second place overall at the Pentathlon meet on Oct. 6. The girl swimmers consisted of sophomore Jenna Copes, freshman Suchetha Pagadala, junior Mara Asmis, sophomore Beatrice Martin, Francesca Makilan, and freshman Elainey Chancey. Swim coach Earl Scofield said that he “felt very proud of the girls” in the way they performed. Comments…Continue Reading Swimmers compete in Pentathlon
Rain and humidity did not slow down the Cross Country team during the meet on Sept. 29 in Sequin. In the Varsity Girls Division, freshman Isabella Malo placed 11th with sophomore Anna Swadick finishing 13th. In the JV Girls Division, sophomore Michelle Galvan placed 14th. For Malo, she said that coming in 11th place proved to…Continue Reading Cross Country prevails despite soggy trails
Ever since I heard my first song by Kanye, “Good Life”, I’ve been a big fan of Kanye West. His work really got me into music and was one of the first things that allowed me to connect with my father, as he was a fan as well. His music has made me…Continue Reading I miss the old Kanye
Ciao! Or, hello, as you Americans call it. But, why, you may ask, am I speaking Italian and why do I not refer to myself as fully American? Well, technically I am American, but the years I spent living an hour north of Venice were some of the most influential years of my…Continue Reading Roman’ around the Eternal City
The sarcastic, witty Marvel character, Deadpool, which first appeared in 1991, took on the silver screen Valentine’s weekend twenty five years later. Compared to other Marvel movies, Deadpool had relatively limited funds, but still managed to more than double its budget in box office revenue in just the opening weekend and become the…Continue Reading Something to bet on: DEADPOOL ; beloved Marvel comic book character hits theaters, breaks box office records
Powderpuff: Seniors 16, Juniors 15 Girls Golf: Second Place O’Connor Last Chance Golf Tournament- Girls golf team 2nd place: Madeline Hunt, Vy Tran, Tori Campos, Morgyn Fales Individual- Vy Tran 2nd place Individual- Madeline Hunt, 4th place Boys Varsity Track: 3/24/16 800 M Run– Ethan Graham, 5th place 300 M Hurdles– Alex Faircloth, 3rd place…Continue Reading Phoenix shows sporty side: Basketball, golf, track