As Christmas break approaches, students talk about mandatory drug tests, and seniors talk about what they fear after high school. Mandatory drug tests might be spreading to Holmes and students give out their opinion on this topic. “I do think that drug testing is necessary because drugs can have a serious impact on your health, on…Continue Reading HBCN Weekly 12-16-16
Year: 2016
Varsity Girls Basketball showing improvement

CAPTION: Senior point guard Ariel Gutierrez elevates to get the angle on a shot against a Taft defender. photo by Maria Garcia. Season has just begun for the varsity girls basketball team, but they have been participating in programs such as AAU, summer league, fall league, and open gyms year round. Ariel Gutierrez, senior player and…Continue Reading Varsity Girls Basketball showing improvement
HBCN Weekly 12-9-16
Last article, teachers talked about their pet peeves on the students. Today the students speak about their pet peeves about teachers. And students talk about the bad and good of social media. Social media is used for many things nowadays but what are the negative and positive effects of social media? “They keep you…Continue Reading HBCN Weekly 12-9-16
Two brothers reuniting in heaven

Junior Amber Garcia faced a very tragic death this year of her cousin, Joey Pesina, on September 22, 2016. Pesina had just graduated high school two years ago before his life was taken in such a brief amount of time. He was loved by many people and brought laughter and joy to the hearts of those who knew him. The relationship…Continue Reading Two brothers reuniting in heaven
HBCN Weekly 12-2-16
In this article look into the daily life of a swimmer, what annoys teachers to no end, and what colleges the class of 2018 will be accepted into. The life of a swimmer is tough to keep up with, especially with temptation at every corner. “The core of me is usually eating right and putting good…Continue Reading HBCN Weekly 12-2-16
HBCN Weekly 11-18-16
With thanksgiving being over, some programs contributed to the community by lending out a helping hand. The automotive clubs helped the community by fixing and giving away cars to needy families. “I can’t wait to make the family happy, to see the joy on they’re face that this car is going to bring them, this…Continue Reading HBCN Weekly 11-18-16
OPINION: From Husky to Husky, Accept How You Feel

STAFF OPINION One of the things that absolutely sucks is talking about why you are sad when others ask. The “are you okay?” provokes a river of tears, because it’s not okay and it hurts. How are you supposed to hold it all together when you feel as if your whole world is slowly falling apart in a blink…Continue Reading OPINION: From Husky to Husky, Accept How You Feel
HBCN Weekly 11-11-16
The students at our campus speak about the officers around our school, the Thanksgiving fundraiser, and the end of football season. Our officers on our campus are often seen patrolling and some students know about their purpose on this campus. “I feel like the reason the police are on our campus is to make sure…Continue Reading HBCN Weekly 11-11-16
Huskies Finish Season With Win Over Jay, Best Record Since 2001

photo by Ryan Kalka CAPTION: Senior Robert Perez celebrates the win against Jay, the end of his high school football career, and the best record for Husky football in 15 years. The Huskies went head to head against the John Jay Mustangs this past Saturday at Gus stadium. It was an emotional win for the Huskies…Continue Reading Huskies Finish Season With Win Over Jay, Best Record Since 2001
The Gavel Magazine: Work Issue

In case you missed it on paper, here is the digital edition of the Novemeber 2016 issue of The Gavel Magazine. This is the Work Issue. Download the workissueupload…Continue Reading The Gavel Magazine: Work Issue