Category: Features

Albricias National Literary Contest Winner- Tatiana Barajas

Tatiana Barajas, senior at Communications Arts HS, is a winner of the 2022 Albricias National Literary Contest. Her winning poem, Mientras Viva Yo (As Long as I Live) will be published in the March 2022 edition of Albricias, the student journal of the Spanish National Honor Society. You can read her poem about human rights…Continue Reading Albricias National Literary Contest Winner- Tatiana Barajas

True Gem

Racing to the computer lab every morning right before school, Freshman Raeann Gillberg types furiously, writing and editing constantly to complete the story she has worked on for years.  Every little kid has a dream that they just won’t give up on. They have a story that they want more than anything to tell.   …Continue Reading True Gem

25 Milestones and Achievements in 25 Years of Comm Arts (February 24, 2021)

Communications Arts High School prides itself in being a hub of creativity and rigorous academics. With this year being the one that celebrates the big 2-5, it seemed like a good time to reminisce 25 of the milestones and achievements that Comm Arts has had since its founding. 1. Comm Arts was founded in 1995….Continue Reading 25 Milestones and Achievements in 25 Years of Comm Arts (February 24, 2021)

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Our Principal (May 6, 2021)

Dr. Baker has been the principal of Comm Arts since 2016. Besides being the best principal ever, she is an interesting person that you might not know much about. In honor of Principal’s Appreciation Day this past Saturday, here are some interesting facts about our very own Dr. Baker. 1. She is a huge animal…Continue Reading 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Our Principal (May 6, 2021)

Meet Emma Guinan: swimmer, student, change seeker (February 24, 2021)

Oftentimes, little kids go from hobby to hobby the way a bee goes from flower to flower, but imagine yourself as a toddler finding a hobby that you are good at, and deciding that you want to stick with that even in college. For Taft swimmer Emma Guinan that is her reality.  When Guinan was…Continue Reading Meet Emma Guinan: swimmer, student, change seeker (February 24, 2021)