Category: Showcase

Lily’s Froglomerate

Frogs are adorable, whether they are alive and hopping around, or are small and stuffed. For senior Lily Godwin, frogs have become the livelihood of her business and by relation, her social life. “I started crocheting these little frogs that I saw on Instagram, and I’m just going around and selling them in a few…Continue Reading Lily’s Froglomerate

La Jugada que Cambió el fútbol Americano para Todos

Las lesiones son una parte de los deportes que son simplemente inevitables. Sin importar las continuas innovaciones en la seguridad y protección de los jugadores en todos los deportes, nunca habrá una forma segura para evitar que ocurran lesiones. Algunas lesiones son muy menores y no tienen ningún impacto en los jugadores, sin embargo, en…Continue Reading La Jugada que Cambió el fútbol Americano para Todos

Afro-Latino Q&A

En una esfuerza para comprender mejor las experiencias del grupo etnico, afrolatinos, abrimos una serie de preguntas dirigidas a nuestra comunidad local de afrolatinos para que puedan hablar sobre sus pensamientos y experiencias como miembros de la comunidad de primera mano. Estas son las respuestas que obtuvimos: Q: As someone who is Afro-Latino (of both…Continue Reading Afro-Latino Q&A

Lasso Success: The XFL’s San Antonio Brahmas’ Story

“Horns forward San Antonio, the Brahmas back down from no one.” For the first time in years since the Alliance of American Football league ended in 2019, San Antonio has a professional football team named the San Antonio Brahmas that is competing in the Xtreme Football League [XFL] for its inaugural season.  San Antonio was…Continue Reading Lasso Success: The XFL’s San Antonio Brahmas’ Story

National Teacher Shortage

Education revolves around teachers and their carefully-curated lesson plans. In fact, teaching is one of the most important careers in the United States (US). Since 2021, there has been a shortage of teachers. Now this same educator shortage has district administrators scrambling to figure things out.  Due to The COVID-19 Pandemic, as well as teachers’…Continue Reading National Teacher Shortage

Los Disturbios de Brasil son la Respuesta a la elección

Los Disturbios Políticos Contra una Elección Reciente Seguidores del expresidente Jair Messias Bolsonaro asaltan la capital Brasilia, el gas pimiento se usa para rociar las protestas y las fuerzas de la policía están a la espera. Hace dos años, en Enero  6, 2021, en Washington D.C., esta era nuestra realidad; ahora estos disturbios y la…Continue Reading Los Disturbios de Brasil son la Respuesta a la elección

What’s going on in Ukraine and should the U.S. help?

Ukraine became independent from Russia in 1991, becoming the second-largest European country. Then, the Budapest Memorandum was signed in 1994. This document followed the agreement that Ukraine would transfer its nuclear weapons from the Cold War to the Russian Federation. Ukraine, the US, and Russia signed honoring Ukraine’s sovereignty and territory.  More recently, Ukraine was…Continue Reading What’s going on in Ukraine and should the U.S. help?

Afghanistan Places Ban on Female Education Beyond Sixth Grade

There is only one place where half the world’s population does not have access to education. In August of 2021, the Taliban placed a ban on secondary education for women in Afghanistan, preventing women from furthering their educational development past a sixth grade level.  After the ban on secondary education for women in 2021, the…Continue Reading Afghanistan Places Ban on Female Education Beyond Sixth Grade

To Debate and Save

For 20 years, marginalized groups have been fighting a losing battle over their access to adequate mental health resources. Arriving at Model United Nations of San Antonio XXVII (MUNSA XXVII) on Jan. 5, I knew that I was about to debate this pressing subject. As my fellow delegates and I made our way into an…Continue Reading To Debate and Save

La copa mundial de FIFA inspira la comunidad de futbol local

Con la Copa Mundial siendo un honor tan ampliamente de ganar, las naciones de cada equipo se enorgullecen y se preocupan mucho por ver a sus equipos avanzar. Por esta razón, en nuestra comunidad, ver al equipo nacional de fútbol masculino de Estados Unidos (USMNT) avanzar a la ronda 16 ha vuelto la cabeza de…Continue Reading La copa mundial de FIFA inspira la comunidad de futbol local