Category: Showcase

An Unexpected Finale

Disease interrupts marching season yet again COLUMN Coming in on Tuesday, Nov. 1 for practice, everything felt weird. There were over 30 people absent. Our drumline was down a couple of players, and I knew a lot of people were starting to get sick. We had been highly encouraged to mask up the week leading…Continue Reading An Unexpected Finale

Red, White, and Blue, You Should Vote Too

“I don’t like her policies!” “I wish the other candidate had won!” Voting is a civic service that all American citizens hold. It is the ability to cast a choice towards a specific candidate’s campaign. However, when you don’t vote, your opinions aren’t counted, rendering them null.  In a country with a population of 333,267,802…Continue Reading Red, White, and Blue, You Should Vote Too


Popular Culture and its Skewed Ethics As Halloween quickly approaches, controversial costumes are rising into the scene – a tangible reminder of biographical crime dramas growing into popular culture. Although some may believe that dressing up as these real life people is considered ‘harmless’, we should not support that type of behavior in order to…Continue Reading COSTUME DISASTER

El Huracán Fiona perjudica a estudiantes que están a kilómetros de la destrucción

Estudiantes puertorriqueñas se preocupan por sus familias que están luchando tras el reciente huracán Escondido en el pueblo puertorriqueno Utuado, está Finca Viernes, una granja y albergue muy exitoso. Después de la destrucción causada por Huracán Fiona, a pesar de que la granja sufrió daños costosos, la familia que lo posee sigue trabajando para proporcionar…Continue Reading El Huracán Fiona perjudica a estudiantes que están a kilómetros de la destrucción

Terremotos Mexicanos Causan Destrucción Grande

Casas. Destruyó. Edificios. Desmorono. Vidas. Perdió. Entre las semanas anteriores, terremotos invadieron México ha sido invadido por una variedad de terremotos, variando en magnitud, afectando la población costera y dejando a muchas otras personas aterrorizadas y sometidas a estrés. En Septiembre 22, 2022, “un terremoto poderoso con un magnitud preliminar de 6.8 golpeó México” seguido…Continue Reading Terremotos Mexicanos Causan Destrucción Grande

‘Albricias’ Submission: “Nuestra Mesa”

Albricias is a national magazine from the  Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (SHH) that showcases students throughout the year through their submissions of written work, photography, and art. This poem was selected to be published in the November 2022 issue of the magazine and placed third overall:     Nuestra Mesa Manos, plagadas de sabiduría y dedos vinculados por el…Continue Reading ‘Albricias’ Submission: “Nuestra Mesa”

‘Albricias’ Submission: “Una querida quinceañera”

Albricias is a national magazine from the  Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (SHH) that showcases students throughout the year through their submissions of written work, photography, and art. This poem was selected to be published in the November 2022 issue of the magazine: Una querida quinceañera  Preparando –Quédate quieta para que tu cabello no se parezca al de…Continue Reading ‘Albricias’ Submission: “Una querida quinceañera”