Editor in chief Zoey Madrid reflects on high school life
High school was a very interesting, special time in my life, and I will never forget it
I used to think that high school would be like the movies: full of drama and just craziness.
I was correct.
Second semester of my freshman year got cut off by COVID-19, and I spent my sophomore year learning online, so it wasn’t until junior year that I had any typical high school experiences. COVID-19 impacted me in many ways, but knowing I missed out on a lot of typical teen things makes me feel like I lost part of my last years of childhood.
Luckily though, I was always involved in school so I was still able to make lifelong friends and amazing memories.
For four years I was involved in the school paper; I was assistant editor in chief of the Talon newspaper for two years, and editor in chief for one year. Being part of the newspaper made me become a better student. I will always hold a special place in my heart for my newspaper family. They mean so much to me and have made my high school experience better than I could’ve imagined.
I was also on the varsity soccer team for two years and the JV team for two years before that. Being part of a team where we treated each other like family made me so happy everyday, and they gave me a reason to get better at the sport. It’s also where I met my best friend, Lianna Hernandez. She has impacted my life in only great ways and showed me that loving people exist. We treat each other like sisters, and she’s always been a shoulder to cry on.
High school had its ups and down, but evidently I was able to grow and learn from mistakes, take my education more seriously than ever, and become the person I am today. After high school, I will continue my education at Northwest Vista College then transfer to The University of Texas at San Antonio to major in marketing.
I’m ready to say bye to high school and look forward to my future.
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